Menopauza ioy


At some point, a woman enters menopause. The definition of menopause says that it is a period without menstruation for a period of one year and thus also the end of a woman's reproductive age. Whe...
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Da Vinciho kód nadváhy

The Da Vinci Code of being overweight

It is naive to think that excess fat can be solved simply by the equation: take in less energy (calories) and expend more energy (exercise). What we eat our cells use up to be at all or as fuel fo...
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Migréna – prekliatie modernej ženy

Migraine - the curse of the modern woman

Migraine headaches are severe headaches, usually accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light, that make it impossible to continue normal daily activities. It affects women (11 to 20% of the popu...
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